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Graduation Project 

2015 Spe. - 2016 Mar. 

The heart seems to be affected by the moon, beating with the tides. 
Beneath the shadows, came a series of dialogues, another sleepless night.


The mind is clearer than ever, but sometimes I wonder, did Lee- Bai ever felt the same? Urged to put loneliness into words. Sometimes questioning the silence, no one ever replies, but me.

But I don’t mind. Even if the night is covered by darkness, the moonlight still reflects on the window. You accompany me while I am with you, we are partners in crime. Needless to be understood, is the true meaning of being alone.

-     “ Alone but not lonely. ”




I would like to investigate a nature eager for human who sometimes prefer to stay alone. I observe the light source as start because light leads us to our personal space; it could be soft, but area distributed. I think that a person can face his or her self clearly at night. Watching light reflation from outside through a window into houses can almost describe what I feel about loneliness. To recapture the elegant image, light of the lamp leaks out from the acrylic in a gradient way, as if light shuttle through the window and reflect on its surface.


Back of lamp is transport arcliy and the light incident and refelct on its surface.Font of arcliy is blasted and it make light spread in a gedient way.

" 夜深了,光影下的你比我思緒當中的更清晰‧ "

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